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Selected Literature on Clown and its Adjacent Affairs

pieces I have written in the time since the plague fell upon us

writing: Services

by Miriam Mattei Carry


Scaffolding a Blasphemy House

“Scaffolding a Blasphemy House” was written as part of a collective project with classmates in a course on Border Culture. It celebrates my artist community and our quarantine family as a cluster of cherished muses.


Evisceration Promenade

"Evisceration Promenade" is a poetic reflection about the relationship between clown performance and quarantine.



“Snakes” was conceived as a way of transcribing an inspired campfire conversation with a friend. Weeks spent with adored authors Gloria Anzaldua and Antonin Artaud are condensed into a short appreciation of snakes and the sea, prompted by my friend’s tentative obsession with Moby Dick.


Becoming Clown

"Becoming Clown is a retrospective piece that was written at the end of my third year of college. The piece documents the most essential aspects of my creative process and the intersections between theory and practice.

writing: List

a list of additional reading for the curious and critical...
here are some of my favorite books...

writing: Text

The Theater and its Double

Antonin Artaud

A Thousand Plateaus

Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari

A Journey Through Other Spaces

Tadeusz Kantor

Borderlands/ La Frontera: The New Mestiza

Gloria Anzaldúa

Vibrant Matter

Jane Bennett

writing: List
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